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2003-02-27 :: 5:32 p.m.
Where is my rainbow? I seem to have lost it. I tried looking for it, but it must be hiding.

I don't know how we are going to make it. We have about 300 bucks, and maybe 800 bucks in bills. I can't possibly take more money out of the bank to keep us going. Sometimes I wonder if he is taking advantage of me. How do I find out? Do I ask him? No....... that's like accusing someone. Of course he won't see it as being taken advantage of. It seems he wants to talk less and less about our goals in life, and just kind of hang here in limbo.

I went to the psychologist today. I still don't see any sunshine coming my way, but I am still trying. I have many ambitions that I need to start seriously thinking about. I know nothing about myself. How could I be this age, and not know? I want to act, write, study psychology, play a violin, take some dance lessons maybe. I need to somehow start. But instead I came home and laid in bed. All day. Basically I was only up long enough to go to my psych appointment. The only thing I have eaten all day is 3 oatmeal cookies.

Last 5 Entries:
Sprained ankle. - Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004
Seventh Day. - Wednesday, Mar. 03, 2004
Third day. - Saturday, Feb. 28, 2004
The second day. - Friday, Feb. 27, 2004
Start. - Thursday, Feb. 26, 2004